Paddle & Portage Photos by Greg Dixon | Madison, Wisconsin (5 galleries)
Paddle & Portage Photos, 2007 - 2011 | Click on a gallery to view Paddle and Portage photos: Paddling from James Madison Park on Lake Mendota, portaging by the State Capitol over the Madison Isthmus, and then paddling across Lake Monona from Law Park to Olin Park. Photos are available for purchase from the galleries.
Paddle & Portage 2011 | Paddle and...
2084 images
Paddle & Portage 2010 | Paddle and...
1213 images
Paddle and Portage 2009 | Paddle &...
1141 images
Paddle and Portage 2008 | Paddle &...
576 images
Paddle and Portage 2007 | Paddle &...
1055 images