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Madison Edgewood's Sam Noyce tries to get past Mount Horeb's Max Meylor, as Edgewood takes on Mount Horeb on Friday, December 11, 2015 at Mount Horeb High School in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin | Print article front page of Sports, Wisconsin State Journal 12/12/15, and online
Madison Edgewood's Sam Noyce tries to get past Mount Horeb's Max Meylor, as Edgewood takes on Mount Horeb on Friday, December 11, 2015 at Mount Horeb High School in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin | Print article front page of Sports, Wisconsin State Journal 12/12/15, and online
Filename: Madison-Edgewood-at-Mount-Horeb-Wisconsin-high-school-prep-boys-basketball-151212-credit-gregdixonphoto.JPG