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Verona's Charlie Parker celebrates his second goal in the 2nd period with teammate Phillippe Fromberger (top), in a WIAA boys hockey sectional semifinal game with Monona Grove on Tuesday, February 25, 2014 at the Eagles Nest Ice Arena in Verona, Wisconsin | In print, Wisconsin State Journal 2/26/14, and on-line at
Verona's Charlie Parker celebrates his second goal in the 2nd period with teammate Phillippe Fromberger (top), in a WIAA boys hockey sectional semifinal game with Monona Grove on Tuesday, February 25, 2014 at the Eagles Nest Ice Arena in Verona, Wisconsin | In print, Wisconsin State Journal 2/26/14, and on-line at
Filename: Monona-Grove-at-Verona-Wisconsin-Verona-WI-WIAA-high-school-hockey-140225.JPG